
"Xiao-Ying teaches Yoga with a quiet passion that reflects the best qualities of the ancient art. She has tremendous ability to communicate to the student the essence of the physical and the spiritual during her class". 

"A class with Xiao-Ying leaves the student with a better understanding of how the body works. She has the gift of being able to promote inner calmness while urging the student to reach for new heights in the use of the body." 

"Xiao-Ying focuses on the central core of the body throughout her class. She has taught me to be aware of  muscle groups that  I didn't know existed!  Her class is exhilarating. I come out feeling like I have had a major workout but also, somehow, feeling refreshed!" 

"Xiao-Ying has a calmness of spirit that belies the rigorousness of her teaching passion during yoga class. She is focused and precise in her goals for the student." 

"I love Xiao-Ying's yoga classes. She has helped me to become focused on the needs of the body and the mind. Not bad for a 90 minute lesson!" 

"If you like to work hard and challenge yourself,  Xiao-Ying's yoga class is a great place to do it! She is a natural teacher who has mastered the art of yoga. Her love of it is reflected in her teachings throughout the class."  

"Xiao-Ying loves the art of yoga and this is quite apparent thoughout her teachings. Yoga is unique physical and spiritual experience in a class taught by Xiao-Ying. You will leave wanting more!" 

Xiao Meimei,
It gives to me great pleasure to hear that you are able to feel the center of yourself in India. I am so glad to receive your message! It is very fortunate for you that you have the best teacher in Karin.  I believe that you are my best teacher. Although I have more years than you, I feel that you have knowledge and peace that benefits my spirit when I am in your presence or when  I think of you. Thank you for this gift.
Please have the best of new years and may you continue to see the bigger picture of yoga. You are in my thoughts.
Best wishes in the Year of the Pig,
Lee from USA

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